The Judging

Stage One

Written submissions will be assessed and scored according to criteria. Please ensure that you follow the particular criteria for the category you have chosen.

Stage Two
Project teams from each of the shortlisted entries will be invited to present to the judging panel in person in February 2018 . The short interview normally consists of a 10-15 minute presentation followed by questions. The panels comprise healthcare specialists and representatives of the judges.

Rules for entry

  • Your project may only be entered into one category.
  • Only two people may be named on the awards application (first and second entrants).
  • At least one member of your project must be an allied health professional (AHP) or healthcare scientist.
  • All entries must be authorised by a counter-signing manager (CSM)
  • Your entry submission should address each of the questions on the online form. Your responses should be text only and not exceed the stated word limit. You may not attach/include images of any kind.
  • Shortlisting judges will score your entry on the basis of evidence provided in each section alone (appendices will not be considered). Failure to address a question will impact your score at the shortlisting stage of the competition.
  • There will be no feedback on entries that are not shortlisted.
  • The judges’ decision is final.

If you require any clarification on these rules of entry, don’t hesitate to contact us.